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Race Around Java is a single stage, unsupported cycling race covering 3000 KM road around Java Island. 

Cyclists will have the opportunity to cross various Java landscapes, from shores to mountains, offering a unique combination of physical challenges and visual spectacles.


There are three race categories for entrants to join: Solo, Pair or Team Relay.

The route is divided into four segments and in between there are three Check Spaces.


Check space is place where interaction could happen.

Interactions within participants, local communities, and fellow cyclist.

A place to exchange stories, get to know each other, rest, have a feast, plan for your next epic rides, etc.


Our check space also a shipping point to receive your stuff. Fresh clothes, certain kind of food, souvenirs for your new acquaintance, etc. can be waiting for you to refresh before your next segment.


The most importantly, check spaces are the location where the team relay exchanging riders, hand over tracker, a start line for the next cyclist in team.


354 hours or 14 days and 18 hours time limit, challenging for those who wish to push their limit to become the fastest, more than enough for those who wish to enjoy the journey but not lulled by the beautiful scenery of Java Island.


Race Around Jawa is a self-supported long distance ride and you are responsible for your own health and safety.


The organizer do not provide any support or assistance during the race. Private assistance or pre-arranged support from family, friends or any third party are prohibited.


There are no qualification requirements however we expect applicants to have gained relevant, multi-day, long distance expedition experience either alone or as part of a small group.

We also put consideration for any other endurance sports experiences.


All participant must ride their bike following the route provided by RAJ organizer and via all the designated checkspaces. E-bike and any machine to help rider moving forward is not allowed.

Bikes must be propelled solely by human power.

All rider must obey the traffic rules.

All rider must wear helmet during their ride.

Front Lights, Rear Lights, spares and Brakes are mandatory gear.

Riders must maintain their GPS tracking device active during the ride.


Checkspace is a mandatory key location which racers must navigate to in order to validate their participation in the race. It is a location where the race records their timings for race reporting and a start or finish line for participants in team relay category.


Checkspaces are open from the time of arrival of the first rider, to the date specified in the Race Manual. After this time the control will be closed and no longer be manned. It is not a cut-offtime, participants who arrive after closure of the control are not excluded from the General Classifications, they are remain within the race.


Our checkspaces are also a shipping point which allow you to send clean clothes and other supplies using any public shipping service available at your own cost.

Solo and Pair Category ride the whole race 3000km.

For those who participated as pairs. If one of you failed to continue, the other still can continue as solo. He/she will be count as finisher, but will not take general ranking.


Relay 2 & Relay 4:

-- Each rider responsible for one segment (Relay 4) or two segments (Relay 2)

-- Tracker handoff is done at the checkspace.

-- In case of rider unable to complete segment/segments the next rider could pick up the tracker from the next check space at the exact location of stopped rider before continuing the race.

-- If the last rider failed to continue, the rider who previously complete allocated segments can continue finishing the ride.

Participants can ride together (but no drafting or echelon) They also can rely on each other for mechanical assistance

and general support. Mountains are a hostile environment where mutual aid and solidarity can be essential. For this reason we ask each participants, if their place and the circumstance they are in allow, to make it their priority to go to help any other participants in danger or in difficulty.


Unplanned support is allowed. If someone along the route is giving you something to drink, or helping you to fix something on your bike it is “unplanned” and OK. But pre-arranged outside support is forbidden.

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